Poem Deep Thoughts I don’t think that god put me in this position by accident. There is too many factors at play for this to be a coincidence. I am working at a regional hospital getting exposure to medical interns and medicine in general. I live with Africans who are on a
Newsletter New Levels This is everything you wanted. A new challenge. New year. New goals. Take your fate in your hands and get everything your owed. So you can not complain at all. Live this life. Love your body, mind and soul. Treat yourself like gold because your the most precious possession. Look
Poem Checkmate The pieces must align perfectly I must execute without emotion I control my future I control my fate I will change the pathway for my family for generations But that all depends on my discipline, decision making, intelligence and hardwork I will look back and thank myself after I become
Poem Dream into existence We can all settle for the life we have or stretch arm and reach for more Create your own route, no matter the ups and downs never let them see you down Your a king of your own life, never let them take your crown Your presence is a gift,
GAMSAT Numero Quattro I'm telling you right know exactly how my fourth and final try is going to go. Section 1: * Execute effectively in the time set: 10 minutes every 7 questions * Understand different question types * Follow structure perfectly * Accuracy Section 2: * Preparation for themes perfect * Time perfect * Essay Plans perfect
GAMSAT Stick to the plan Rule number 1 stick to the plan no matter what happens.... It is going to be very uncomfortable this following 1-2 years but if I execute effectively my future for myself and my children will be solidified. I will have established my life for the next stage. This will involve
GAMSAT Section 3 Strategy Part 2 Remain positive I have decided to change my mindset about section 3 in order to drive my commitment to achieve a high scoring mark for this section. Rather than saying it is difficult, I will say that section 3 is easy. This is the following plan to prepare for this
GAMSAT Timeline for GAMSAT February 2024 Section 3 preparation * Studying notes * Answer specific question types from GAMSAT (See blog post on attempts) * Frasers questions, Gradready, Des O'Neil questions (graph related questions), Jesse Osborne, and ACER paper * Process for analysing text and graphs to answer questions efficiently Steps: * Medify - ranavishal0011@gmail.com
Newsletter The First Quarter Table of contents: As we approach the culminating chapter of the year, it is imperative to pause and reflect on our progress, set forth our priorities, and strategically navigate the pivotal months that await us to set new goals for next year. In this edition, specific topics have been for
Post Dream Big Having a dream is aligned with having a purpose in life that transcends the superficial aspects of worldly possessions. A deeper meaning that can propel an individual past obstacles, distractions, pleasures, and sadness. By defining your inner purpose and goals in life, you can direct yourself in the correct direction
GAMSAT Numero Tre Section 1 - only 1 cartoon question - same as last time options very short and selection of representation of cartoon: This cartoon best indicates the theme of A) futility B) finality C) aspirations D) sadness I chose an option on the futility or ending aspect of life * Poetry questions-
Section 2 Heavy is the head Heavy is the head that wears the crown! The external portrayal of success, often dazzling and enviable, belies the internal struggles, unwavering commitment, and formidable obstacles that pave the path to achievement. Indeed, the road to success is laden with challenges and sacrifices, demanding personal accountability and resilience. This essay
Post Maximising our potential Maximizing our potential is a complex and multifaceted concept that revolves around various factors unique to each person's life. However, focusing on personal goals and starting from one's current position can set the journey towards becoming the desired person in motion. While acknowledging that not everyone
Poem Premeditation I am stuck in this tunnel vision I am consumed by my dreams This obsession, is unhealthy for my relationships with the people around me But at the same time, these dreams will save me and those I care about Stay grinding, I've seen the worst before I
Section 2 Connect To Disconnect Comment 1 Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. George Burns **** Comment 2 The capacity for friendship is God's way of apologising for our families. Jay McInerney **** Comment 3 When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching --
Section 2 Make or break Pain is an illusion. This journey of life is filled with hardship, trials and tribulations. The human lived experience is full of hardships which is an innate part of existence. The challenges that present in our lives can destroy us but if you can learn from the pain that it
Post The Ride In the great tapestry of life, the continual pursuit of excellence serves as a vibrant thread that weaves through our existence. It is an alluring path, replete with trials and tribulations, yet offering the promise of fulfillment and indescribable happiness when we conquer our goals. The audacity to believe in
Post Perspective In order to have perspective of ones life an individual must self reflect and analysis their life in several different aspects. the aspects which need to be considered include: * Finances ☐ Schedule tax return and consider all the things that need to be added to the tax return - scheduled for
Newsletter Hourglass Table of contents: SELF ANALYSIS Dive in deep to find my fountain of energy, hunger, and drive to become the person that I want to become. All the goals that I have set for myself need to be achieved through the good and bad. Execution of personal goals is essential
Section 2 Like New Life is a series of challenges, setbacks, and unexpected twists that test our resilience and determination. In these moments, we have a choice—to succumb to adversity or to rise above it. It is during the toughest times that we are reminded of what truly matters and find the strength
Post Striving for Perfection and Pursuing Excellence Striving for perfection and pursuing excellence are vital components in the journey towards achieving our dream lives. Although it requires hard work, I believe that making an effort is far better than living with the regret of not trying. As I grind through life, my focus remains on not only
Newsletter Clarity Table of contents: DIRECTION Main aim for this months in terms of direction in specific areas of life: * Work on residency assessments * Work on study for the test and application portfolio/ process * Work on personal business - building the infrastructure for my business endeavors * Work towards ownership of a home
Post Time Management The life-changing time management system: Mastering time management is paramount. I've experimented with numerous time management systems. However, none have had the profound impact of the following Calendar. The following Calendar employs a three-fold approach. You divide your time into: 1. A year 2. A week 3. A
Post Nipsey Hussle Inspired I testify that I cried when Nipsey Hussle died It is as if a piece of my soul was gone My first question was why? I man who started from nothing and built it into something Not just for himself but for his family, friends and community Just because your
Newsletter Clear Path As we move into a new month, it’s essential to approach it with a sense of intention, structure, and unwavering discipline. This month, my primary goal is to establish stability, create a solid routine, and make significant strides in both personal and professional growth. Whether it’s securing a