Future Plans

Future Plans


Structure the business

Create a business plan


Deep into my studies for the next few months as my final and last attempt to transition for my future.

Create another opportunity for myself and what I can potential become the best version not just for me but for my family and everyone around me.


Need to increase income to the most I can before I have children and have to settle down.

Continue driving the same car and get the window fixed whenever I get the chance to fix the car. Only later on when I have started earning a high salary and I am established in my career in a position such as hospital pharmacy permanent or in Adelaide will I get a newer and very nice car for the long term. Your car does not define you and is just a vehicle for now.

Have a steady income in order to be prepared and in a position to purchase my property - talk to a real estate agent. Not too concerned with this as not stressed about buying a property until 3-4 years from now after my future trajectory has been cemented

Career strategy

I am in a certain position in my career which I can develop from.

I have to create a strategy for the longevity of my career as this is the foundation for my future.

Currently I am working at the hospital for 2 years

From this position I can decide to do a few things:

  • Stay in my residency position and rotate to a position in Adelaide where I will try to get a permanent position - do this as my underlying plan
  • Apply for hospitals near home as long as the contract is longer that 2 years or the position is permanent - continue to apply for positions when they pop up
  • Apply for positions interstate - last preference as there is no place that I can stay as a permanently and long-term plus cost of living. I have also been informed that Pharmacists in South Australia are paid more than interstate. I do not want to live interstate in Melbourne or Sydney as my family is in Adelaide. Prefer to stay in the SA Health regions of Australia and not travel to other states unless necessary for study.
  • See what happens by applying for Alfred Health positions


Continue to stay in contact with my brothers and sisters to ensure that everyone is going in the correct direction so that the whole family is established in the future and that we are not struggling to live and take care of the future generation of the family.

Sunday regular contact the boys with strong contact with parents