Make or break

Pain is an illusion. This journey of life is filled with hardship, trials and tribulations. The human lived experience is full of hardships which is an innate part of existence. The challenges that present in our lives can destroy us but if you can learn from the pain that it presents you can harness that negative energy to turn it into something positive. If we change the concept of pain in our mind we can learn to understand that it represents a feeling that is a byproduct of a negative experience rather than something we must allow to consume us or become attached to. In this way the pain turns into pleasure when we overcome our challenges to grow from the negative experience.

Pain is an inherent part of existence which can help build positive characteristics in an individual. The popular quote, "It will make or break you", defines how pain can be a source to help build characteristics such as "thick skin" and resilience to achieve ones goals. However, in the contrary pain can do quiet the opposite resulting in a human to lose determination, become weak and become hopeless. While this is a normal process of the human psychological experience. We should not allow pain to consume us rather an individual should make sure to overcome the pain and utilize it as a source of learning and growth to heal from the experience. An example of this is the story of Michael Jordan, the famous NBA athlete who became one of the legends of the game. In the start of his career Michael Jordan was cut from the high school basketball team which he trialed for. This resulted in him experiencing emotions associated with pain such as sadness, however rather than allowing the decision to "break him", Michael decided to work harder to make the team for the next season. By utilizing the pain, Michael was able to build character through growth. Learning from this pain, he fulfilled his dreams to create a life which he was satisfied of.

Overcoming pain allows the individual to conquer trials and tribulations resulting in fulfillment and satisfaction. The human psychology benefits from growing from pain rather than succumbing to the demise of the trauma caused by it. Through overcoming the pain an individual becomes more confident in their abilities to overcome the obstacles that present in life. In some way the pain is a gift when the our belief systems are shifted to perceive it in a different way. Rather than maintaining a negative connotation of pain, it should be perceived as an emotion that can allow us to learn more about ourselves and the external world. Pain provides the opportunity for the human to dig deeper to understand why they are experiencing that pain or what they could learn from the pain that they are experiencing. Could it be an opportunity to learn and grow in order to form more joy and fulfillment from life? Instead of allowing pain to consume us in negative situations, we can learn to build and grow from the pain that we experience.

Pain is a blessing in disguise. The difference from pain being positive or negative is a change in perspective. From pain a person can develop traits which allow them to gain character as displayed by countless stories in history. Those who have overcome the pain to grow are wise. Challenges will be presented to all people in their walk of life but how we deal with these challenges can result in several different outcomes for the individual. By understanding that the obstacle is the way, deep fulfillment and satisfaction with ones life can be achieved once challenges overcome.