Numero Due

Numero Due

Make sure to do the following again:

  • take energy drink
  • have a break
  • listen to music and be as relaxed as possible

Need to improve:

  • time management
  • comprehension
  • Creating a main idea in section 2 and clear structure
  • Having solid pre-existing ideas
  • Practice for each theme - create pre-existing essays for each theme

Section 1

Need to work on:

  • Quick comprehension - reading text one time and then asnwering the questions as quick as possible
  • Only 1 cartoon Questions
  • All remaining questions were comprehension questions

What worked well?

  • Was writing the timing intervals and how many to complete on the side

A Man like the one in with the briefcase was walking past a technology store that had a sale for school.

The question was - what was the main focus:

  • middle age
  • technology
  • education system
  • ... something else

Section 2

Have to have pre-existing knowledge and idea to create an essay that I know exactly what I am going to talk about in the essay

Timing improvement

What worked well:

  • Utilizing pre-existing knowledge to help create an issue to the quotes presented to then talk about it in essay
  • Replying to only one quote - like the example pink, purple and other practice exams
  • Twisting pre-existing knowledge to create an essay to the quote provided to support the essay written

Need to work on:

  • Being very specific
  • Improvement in vocabulary
  • Sticking to the structure
  • Having a main idea that sticks throughout the whole essay

Section 3

  • A lot of graph analysis questions
  • Equations were provided
  • Statistics was provided
  • Genetics questions
  • Structure of atoms questions
  • A lot questions that required interpretation

Need to improve in:

  • Time management
  • Being able to comprehend any text and questions provided
  • Change my strategy in answering questions as I do not have enough time - need to able to analyse questions first and then look at the text to answer - time management and comprehension was a huge issue

What worked well?

  • Analysing questions at the start of the essay and not trying to stick to one essay
  • Time gaps writing them down and expected time to finish - do not need watch time provided