Numero Uno
These are the following point which I have gained post the experience of my trial run with the TEST which I thought will be helpful for me to highlight in order to learn and improve from this test in order to perform much more better in the future with hopes to ACE!
Section 1: Main overall focus is to know exactly why I am choosing the answer that I have chosen under the timed condition
For this section timing was fine but need to maintain the same system for ensuring timing as I do not want to lag behind for the next run - wrote down intervals of 10 minutes which I needed to have 7 questions completed. Main issue with this section was differentiating between wording and not understanding certain words. Need to have a better system in which I analyse the text only once and can efficiently identify the answer with support. Vocabulary was an issue as I need not understand the meaning of certain words - therefore continue to do practice questions and add to my vocabulary list which will also help me with section 2.
Main areas to improve:
- Understand deeply how to analyse cartoon type questions, especially one were they compare cartoons and just the single cartoon by itself
- Create an efficient system which supports the answer which I have selected
- Ensure efficient timing throughout the exam by ensuring I stick to the timing allocated
- Continue to improve my vocabulary daily using the app for the vocabulary - schedule this into my daily activities.
- Perform practice questions and categories/ log as I go along to ensure that I am able to self analyse and criticise my performance
- Do performance runs to ensure that I am efficient and effective
Section 2: Main overall focus, is the ability to create a solid essay from start to finish under the timed condition
The main areas that I could identify for improvement are focused on looking at the set of quotes and then quickly having a vision for my essay which I could support with ideas as well as illustrations, quotes, etc. This is essential. I have identified that I will use an argumentative style of essay for both sections and then incorporate philosophy (quotes) - in particularly for Task B, political ideologies (meaning/ wording/ etc), examples, illustrations and quotes.
Main areas to improve:
- At the start analyse both the quote sets and create a vision/ structure for both from the start that I will use to write and convey a certain stance on - then in the structuring and statements to support - make sure to add examples, illustrations, quotes, etc to support the point. If possible introduce a counter argument which I can then refute, if possible.
- Quick argumentative structure, vision and idea generation to support - use gamsat quote generator to test myself out to be prepared to write on any type of theme and set of quotes
Understand how to have a very strong stance on a theme supported by evidence very quickly
Deeply Analyse the essays for the pink, green, blue and purple acer papers - understand the level of detail & structure in order to write to that standard & set as a target for the level where my writing needs to be at for the next sitting
After analyzing this, create a support for the essays that I will write through the research and study that I perform
Finally practice using the quote generators - frasers and gamsatsimulator
- Using persuasive language, reducing repetition and having fluid essay
- Close effectively
- Write under timed condition and ensure to complete essay within the time allocated
- Build on my themes (aging, etc), philosophical and political ideologies and do deeper research on topics such as communism and capitalism in order to draw examples very effectively
- Ensure to have topics which I can use to discuss the theme in TASK A
- Ensure to build on and create more social problems that can be applied to TASK B essays
- Have a strategy to tackle any quote that they may throw at you in the gamsat
Section 3: Main area of focus is to be able to problem solve to know why I am selecting an answer under the timed condition - efficiency and accuracy
- Mainly graph type questions in the exam so graph analysis and interpretation of the questions is going to be a vital skill that I need to build
- Build the skill to be able to analyse, decipher and answer any type of question regardless of what they throw at you - this is a vital and necessary skill
The main area section for improvement, as I did not comprehend anything or did not have any approach to answer the questions being asked:
- Have a deep understanding of the topics to ensure I am completely fluid in the language of these topics - biology, physics, and chemistry
- Have a process to problem solve so that whatever question that they throw at me I can somehow analyse and utilise the correct approach to comprehend and answer the question
Main areas to improve:
- Learn how to analyse the information, analyse the question and then extract the relevant answer from the information depending on what they question is asking
- Have a deep understanding of topics to help with understanding questions straight away and being able to utilize the relevant information
- Understand graph analysis very very well - there were so many graphs which I did not understand and could not interpret what they were trying to convey/ say and many of the questions surrounded graph interpretation
- Do practice questions endlessly to understand my ability to problem solve - need to be able to problem solve any type of questions and use the resources/ summaries that I create as a back up in comprehension to be able to answer questions
- Log, analyse and reflect on all the questions that I get wrong in my practice runs to ensure that I know how to improve and where/ what to learn to bring me up to speed in order to be able to answer the questions well
Overall exam:
- Make sure to improve on efficiency and timing
- Make sure that I have a system in which I approach each section of the test
- Practice regularly, have a log of each section and break down to question types to ensure that I do not lose the skills that I gain and can reflect back on questions that I have previously answered to help with future questions/ reflect as well
ATTEMPT 2: Strategies, plan and execute
For the second attempt, I will need to practice mimicking the exact same exam situation and what I will do step by step. I understand that the each section has its requirements and abilities that it will be testing and I need to be up to scratch with these abilities in order to perform well on the day.
Need to break down the test in individual section study and practice and then focus on overall test practice runs
- I have identified the areas that require further improvement - notably section 3 which focuses on problem solving - this will be my main focus for the initial part of my study - in particularly - comprehension of the different subjects and topics within these subjects and then moving on to doing practice papers to identify gaps in my ability and then performing practice papers to improve in my skills.
- Section 2 - the ability to write a deep and conveying essay is my priority. Have to do whatever it takes to learn and perform this skill which is going to not only be essential for the gamsat but for different areas of my life.
- Section 1 - Need to know the exact different text types and how to answer these different text types. Become a master of each text type. Vocabulary need to improve to know what exact words meaning to help with distinguishing answer and know exactly why I am selecting one answer over the other
Practice run memory:
Section 1:
- Did not understand the cartoon where the plane crashed and the everyone was rushing to the plane.
The caption reads "Well, back to the old drawing board." The cartoon depicts a crashed military plane with the pilot having bailed out. It features uniformed military personnel running towards the plane, while the engineer, carrying a roll of blue prints under his arm, walks away to start the redesign. Arno's caption was popularized during World War II, when many projects and missions inevitably did not work out as planned.
Options included:
- overconfident
- delusional
According to google, the cartoon represents optimism - as the engineer is looking at the positive and not allowing setbacks to prevent from progression and the bigger picture....
2. Did not know how to compare the cartoons which were provided in terms of the messages they were trying to convey, etc. Need to learn how to make comparisons between the cartoons and analyse the message that the cartoon are conveying.
- cartoon on plane flying over with cavemen watching
- Another cartoon with
Section 2 quotes:
Task A Economy:
- The economy is more stronger than the government
- The Economy is the dependent on the viewer
- The Economy is the livelihood of the people
- Only the powerful benefit from a good economy
Task B: Growing up
- Growing up is a life long journey
- Some people need learn how to grow up
Section 3:
Question about man running on blocks with force of newtons on an angle - asked what the overall acceleration was. Force was angled as in trigonometry - hypotenuse and not adjacent. Both feet had an angled force - needed to work out the adjacent force that then can be used to find the acceleration.
Question that required knowledge on valence electrons
Questions with equations that I needed to use and understand
Structure of chemical compounds provided - interpret and answer questions