
In order to have perspective of ones life an individual must self reflect and analysis their life in several different aspects.

the aspects which need to be considered include:

  • Finances

☐ Schedule tax return and consider all the things that need to be added to the tax return - scheduled for the end of July on 22/07/2023

☐ Personal home loan organisation scheduled for September after 12th of September

  • Physical health

☐ These things will be scheduled for the 11th of September after 8 AM - dermatologist appointment in the morning at 9 AM, dentist in the afternoon after 12 PM, and Podiatrist at 1 PM

  • Mental health and spiritual

☐ Make prayer and spirituality a part of my regular daily process and ensure that I invest in this as a part of my life as I need to ensure to maintain a positive perspective in life and display gratitude for what I have in life. Scheduled for the morning.

  • Pursuits

☐ Current main pursuit for the future has been schedule for the afternoon after work and on the weekends

☐ Schedule tickets to Adelaide from leave 26/08/2023 to return 12/09/2023

  • Family and friendships

☐ I need to schedule family get together and catch up with JUMA after September in october

  • Work

☐ Arriving at work early regularly to complete residency program requirements. Meeting with Yu ting on 13/07

Have certain things complete before that meeting:

☐ Clinclat complete 04/07/2023

☐ Learning plan for this clinical rotation to complete this week in the morning by 07/06/2023

☐ SHPA CPD - Schedule the compulsory CPD

By considering these several aspects of your life, you are able to align your personal intrinsic desires and motivations with tangible results in real life.

This will then allow an individual to alter aspects of their life such as habits in order to reach personal goals and improve. This is highly effective in clearly identifying measurable goals especially when conducted on a regular basis such as a month to month scheduled events. Furthermore, this frees time to soul search and creates a foundation for a strong spiritual connection with oneself. I personally enjoy this activity as it allow me to analyse what I desire and how I am going to try and pursue the dreams which I would like to one day come into fruition. Furthermore, it fuels self discipline and growth in an age where our attention and motivations are stolen from use from negative energy by sources such as the news or social media.

Preparing for the upcoming months with specific dates for several tasks which I need to complete. Important dates up until September below to align with main focusses for the upcoming months.

  • Test in September
  • Residency visit next week

Scheduling ahead and organising for the future is essential to ensure that we are prepared and have persective of the challenges that lie ahead. This can really simplify life in order to make sure that we meet the targets that we have set.

I hope you enjoyed the process of me scheduling my upcoming months for important dates and I hope that you can organise your own personal life to meet your expectations and goals for the future.

Peace out!

Yusri 😊